Last party at Ballyroan school, before holidays.

I was invited to the school, on Wed. 28th June, to say goodbye to my friends in third classes in Ballyroan. They were leaving for Summer holidays on Friday. We had some great experiences together since last September. These are well documented on this site. The boys are great at enriching our meetings and have written me many lovely letters.

I was taken by surprise to be greeted by a number of the boys and escorted to the classroom where both classes were assembled. They had a cake ready ( specially gluten-free for me) together with my school report and a framed picture of our visit with President Higgins. Lovely picture indeed. I had a chat with the boys and they played some tunes on their recorders for me. They were only learning them, but were very good. They also sang together, that lovely sone by Bob Dylan, ‘Forever young’. I loved it.

Miss Rooney then read out my school report to us all. Some good laughs there. They had gone to an awful lot of trouble for me. I was overwhelmed.

Miss Rooney and Ms. Mazzoni are two dedicated and wonderful teachers who have given all the boys a year to remember. Altogether, Ballyroan Boys School has always been in the top league. My late son, Michael, and my grandson, Alan, had both enjoyed, and profited from their stay there. The principal, Mr Des Morris, has every reason to be proud of his school.

Hi again boys
I thought I was finished with writing to you, but after today’s lovely party, I just had to say thanks.
Thanks to Miss Rooney and Ms. Mazzoni for arranging it for us. You were lucky to have them as teachers this year. Thanks to Ms. Price for baking the lovely cake. Thanks to all of you for having me with you again.
I enjoyed you playing the recorders. I can’t do that. And thanks for singing that lovely Bob Dylan song for me. One of my favourites. Very cool. You are good singers.
My biggest thanks is for all the lovely letters you sent me. Wow. They took some doing and I know how hard it was for all of you. I have started reading them and they are great. Really sound. Because you are finishing on Friday, I wanted to get this email to you before you go on holidays, I haven’t got through them all yet. Looking forward to that.
Loved the stories some of you told, about things your parents, or grandparents have done. Sorry you all didn’t get a chance to talk. We ran out of time. Anyway, keep up the good work and find out more about them. You will love it.
Enjoy your holidays. I know you will all miss school, but just grin and bear it and make the most of it.
Thanks again,
You’re (really) old friend,
Flor. 😂 👏
p.s. Remember what Flor said. “Schooldays are the best days in your life”. Believe me.👍

Reply from. Saoirse.

Hi Flor, 
Thanks so much for your lovely email. The boys loved it. Their year has been greatly enriched by your presence. Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your week in Ring. You can wow your family with stories of your adventures this year. I will see you at the end of September. 
A little boy (Conor Watts) wrote this email back to you. 
Hi Flor, 

We would first of all like to thank you for all you have done for us this year.You have been excellent, so excellent. You are really like a superb Ballyroan Boy to us now, but of course, you were from the start. 

All of the tours that we have gone on, have felt more excellent and exciting when you came. But of course it wasn’t just tours.You came along on Grandparent’s Day and it was really nice for the people who didn’t have grandparents. It defenitely cheered them up.  You really are our best friend, and we hope that you have known that from the start.

The first time you came in to tlk to us, as soon as you started talking, we all knew that you were amazing.   We hope to meet you over the holidays and any time other. We will never forget you Flor. 

Yours sincerely, 
3rd Class, Ballyroan. Inline image